
Robert Pascual Robert Pascual

debt ceiling crisis

What your nonprofit organization can do to prepare for disruptions from the debt ceiling crisis.

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Robert Pascual Robert Pascual

Employee Retention Tax Credit

I recently spoke at a webinar for nonprofits about the Employee Retention Tax Credit. Please check out this link – you may be eligible for a significant refund of payroll taxes from the IRS.

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SloCo Video SloCo Video

Board Finance Committees

Here is a good article from Blue Avocado on how to leverage your Board of Directors to improve financial outcomes.

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SloCo Video SloCo Video

Introduction to Nonprofit Finance

Here is a resource offered by Compass Point for those of you in the SF Bay Area. I was the instructor for this class several years ago and the participants seemed to get a lot out of it. I highly recommend it for all non-finance staff and for those new to the nonprofit sector.

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SloCo Video SloCo Video

Mastering the Nonprofit Business Model

The Nonprofit Quarterly is offering this 6-part webinar series to support nonprofit leaders (who are not primarily finance specialists/experts) better understand and manage their organizations.

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